VizHub Changelog February 2020

By Curran Kelleher
Published: February 14, 2020

Some good stuff landed in VizHub this month!

Settings & Set Height

Fresh designs for settings. New feature: Set height!

We’ve just completed a new design sprint with Stamen Design for features such as the settings dialog, sharing, collaborators, embedding, and collections! Will be implementing these designs incrementally going forward. The first to be implemented is this settings dialog. The public/private section is only visible to Kickstarter backers.

We haven’t spared the UX details with this new dialog. Hitting the enter key after changing the height field will close the modal. Also, a new improvement was rolled out across all modal dialogs that lets you close them by hitting the escape key. Also notice how there’s no “cancel” button. This is because in VizHub, everything is saved (and propagated to remote clients) instantaneously.

Getting height changes to propagate correctly was like a game of whack-a-mole. Special care was needed in order to make sure the height updates propagate correctly in mini mode and fullscreen mode as they are applied (both in the client that made the change, and in remote clients viewing the page).


Search has landed!

The ability to search for visualizations has been a long standing item in the backlog, and it’s finally landed! The search box is only available from the home page for now, but it’s finally working. This is the first step of many to make the content in VizHub (over 12,000 visualizations!) more discoverable. Many thanks to Olexandr P. for his great work on this feature (as well as on the “set height” feature).

Refined Unfurl Description

The Unfurl Description was a bit of a mess. It was too long and sometimes bleeding into pages.

What a mess. Now cleaned up.
TL;DR – now truncated to 300 characters.

More to come as February marches on!